I bought the chest on craigslist for about $60, painted it, put some new hardware on it and voila - brand new hall chest! Anyway, while I was taking the pictures, it occurred to me that the reason I like this particular little corner of the house is because of the little things. The items on the chest bring me joy, in one way or another. First, I loooove my lamps. They were one of the first new things I bought for this house and it was a good year or two before we got them out of storage and were able to use them. Second, those brass-looking things on the far left are actually very old fire hose nozzles. My uncle was working on a job (construction) in a big old building and got them out of the trash for us. My husband is a firefighter - which is why said uncle thought of us. Anyway, they're really cool. On the other side of the chest is a little "Book of Manners" from the early 1900s that I got on ebay for about $4. I don't know why I love it, I just do. Oh, and the mirror! I am so proud of this mirror because I got it for $15 at a moving sale. This was a couple of days after I almost bought one for literally SIX TIMES that amount! Sometimes things just work out.
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1 comment:
So pretty, I love it!
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