I absolutely love it! I feel like a little girl at Christmas every time I look at it! This wainscotting might be my single most favorite thing my husband has done to the house. This is better than flowers and chocolate! Don't bring me roses - bring me wainscotting!!!
Incidentally, those framed pictures are of our house in 1952. My husband found them in the attic shortly after we bought the house. Apparently an arsonist set fire to the church next door in 1952 and our house appeared in some of the fire-related pictures. Very cool to have pics of the house from that era. It's hard to imagine that the house was already 55 years old in these pictures!
Okay, now for one more little sneak peek...
This is our new tin ceiling in the foyer. Well it's actually faux tin - but don't tell anyone, okay? I cannot get over how real it looks! We used this* product from Armstrong and just put a few coats of silver spray paint on it before hanging. Oh, how I love my new ceiling! (not as much as my new wainscotting, though ;) )
* http://www.armstrong.com/resclgam/na/ceilings/en/us/prod_detail.asp?itemId=44552.0